Episode 049 -- You Don't Know Global Geo Space Politics — Echoplex Media

Episode 049 -- You Don't Know Global Geo Space Politics

The Plex EP049 -- You Don't Know Global Geo Space Politics
Echoplex Media


Producer Dave
Media Wench
Randle Aubrey
Teacher Allyson
Juan Maserati


The Roughies - Don't Hate The Cops
Noah Kickback & E. James - Surviving


Trump surrogate thinks Byonce talking about red lobster is an excuse for trump?
CNN lady says that we shouldn't be mad at Trump tape because Beyonce said when Jay-Z fucks her well she takes him to Red Lobster

Trump Ally Alex Jones: "I Was Told By People Around" Clinton That "She's Demon-Possessed" - Media Matters

Laura Ingraham…..
Selfies are like bragging about assaulting people, right?

Laura Ingrahm says Trump is okay because of Common and Beyonce (why does everyone have to come out for Beyonce?)

Limbaugh: The Left Sends Out "The Rape Police" Whenever There's Sex With "No Consent" (Also Known As Rape) - Media Matters

CNN’s Don Lemon slams Scottie Nell Hughes: ‘That is insulting as a survivor of sexual abuse’ - Raw Story

Dana Perino turns on the panel on fox’s the 5

Ben Carson thinks a morning joe host should cut another guest’s mic

Trump Supporters Standing By Their Man - Facebook

Louie Gohmert Links Homosexuality To Noah’s Flood  - Right Wing Watch

“White Noise: The Best Of The Alt-Right” is the best record EVAR!
White Noise: Best Of The Alt-Right - Facebook

Friend of the show, Amanda Baise, found another lunatic named Mike Marin to point at clouds and cell phone towers with.
Madison Star Moon & Mike Marin: Investigating Death Towers - YouTube

Really stupid motherfucker or epic troll?  The Xenu story could be true.
Xenu Story is Scientifically Possible SCIENTOLOGY VLOG Andy Nolch - YouTube

The Plex is live every Sunday at 6pm eastern.  Click "listen live" for info on the live show.