Bret Weinstein has repeatedly claimed his is running a “unity ticket” for the 2020 presidential election
Watch this video, you sucker
This one too, sucker
As far as we can tell, there’s no campaign here. Zero. Zilch. No candidates have filed any paperwork. There’s no place to donate to this campaign. No ground game happening. The website is just a collection of delusional self aggrandizing text and video embeds of Bret talking about this non-campaign. For example, here’s a screen shot about how you can “get involved”, it basically just tells you to tell everyone about Bret… errr, this “campaign” on social media, or even worse, text your friends, if people who like Bret even have any.
Tell everyone about Bret, you sucker!
You can also download a flyer to put up around town to drive people to the website where people can find information about Bret...errr, this “campaign”.
Put this flyer around your neighborhood, you sucker
And it’s August 2020. There is no possible way that this campaign could ever gain any steam, probably would be nearly impossible to get on the ballot for more than a handful of states, if that’s even possible. It would be pretty damn hard to run someone for a city council with this much time remaining.Bret Weinstein and his delusional ass wife have been talking about this non-campaign for a while on their YouTube shows. They’ve mentioned Andrew Yang and some “centrist right leaning general” whose name I don’t remember and cannot be bothered to dig through their videos to find. There is no way that anyone who has any political chops would take them up on this. It’s highly likely that they haven’t asked anyone. And that’s because this is not a presidential campaign at all.
Fill out this form, you sucker
There is something going on here for sure, but it ain’t no presidential campaign. If we had to wager a guess, this is just a place for Bret to mine data and add you to his mailing list. He wants your phone number, your party affiliation, whether or not you plan to vote and who you’re probably going to vote for, a list of skills you think you have, and how many hours of free time you have per week. It is highly likely that the information gleaned here will be used by the Bret Weinstein to identify credulous delusional fools who will believe basically fucking anything . When your core product is the idea that you’re some kind of misunderstood genius who can save the world, having a list of suckers is probably rather useful.
Even if you don’t like your choices for president, do not sign up for this shit. Pretending to be presidential campaign in order to harvest a bunch of peoples’ personal information is highly fucking unethical. After this fails, you might see something like “Well, it was just too tough to get on the ballot in 50 states since like we said the system is rigged.” However, what he will really be saying is “Thanks for your data!”.
Also important to note, Bret’s grifter ass brother Eric also uses the word “Unity” in some old bullshit he’s peddling. Seems like some kind of wack ass fake-smart-person branding strategy.
I unified physics, you sucker