So because we are attending the counter protest for this so called National March Against Far-Left Violence, we decided to join their email list, not the list for the counter protest, but rather the list for the so called National March...First we got some email about a T-Shirt campaign. Benign enough, didn't order one, fuck that shit. But the next email was, well a bit stunning. It contains not only the names of people who have not paid for a shirt that they said they wanted, but their shipping address too. We're not scumbags so we won't be publishing the list even though we're not really too pleased with neo-nazi assholes coming to town. Plus who knows, some of these folks may have punked the organizers by asking for a shirt they never intended on purchasing.
As this article is being written the saga is continuing.
Didn't leave his name at the end like the other polite people did, first name is Jack :)
Devon seems very good at customer service
Rene somehow ended up on the list, but apparently never ordered a shirt. So how did they get Rene's address?
Such fantastic customer relations from our pal Donny
A fellow name Jim has questions, we have a lot of them too
Amy here might be on to something
Jim chimes in again about trust.
A fellow named Frank has decided to sit this one out
Law Enfrocement Linda gon' call the authoritahs
Linda is on the case, gonna call the internet police!
Rene is on the case too, and apparently these people really like to call the police!
A fellow named Jeff thinks this is all a "psy-op"
Rene... you're starting to sound a little crazy
I wonder if Jim here planned on attending in the first place
Will is puttin the screws to the t-shirt people!
I'll take "things that didn't happen" for a thousand, Linda
This guy Jim just gave out his phone number and seems eager to shoot someone
Who knows what happened here? Maybe it was us! We'll keep an eye on it, after all, we're on the email thread! Check back! We'll add responses as we get them!
If this is how this group deals with folks who they believe to be "on their side" it should tell you a little about them. Primarily that they're garbage human beings. So hey hey, San Jose, let's all get together this weekend with bongos and acoustic guitars and signs and what not so they can thank us, the more or less ethical folks at Echoplex Media, for not publishing a list of their supporters with their addresses.