Misinformation As The Core Brand Proposition - Facebook Ads Volume 3
This is the third in a series of articles we’re doing featuring misinformation found on Facebook as sponsored content. Not just posts by your garden variety loon, but stuff that Facebook allows people to increase the reach of using advertisement. These ads were collected on a fake Facebook account I created that follows every conspiracy theory page I can possibly find and from a couple great folks who submitted their own screen shots. Collected from August 31st through November 17th.
Here’s the 1st article
Here’s the 2nd article
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You can definitely advertise your QAnon content if you just call it Cue.
Chemtrails huckster Dane Wigington is constantly running ads on Facebook.
This “Spooky 2” magic disease curing machine is being advertised to this day.
Misinformation about 5G and other RF is rampant on Facebook, but don’t worry you can cure it with a fucking pendant or the right hat!
And of course there’s just a ton of Covid-19 misinformation in Facebook ads. Here’s just 3 that we found.
I screwed up taking the screen shot, so you’ll just have to trust me on this one. Lenka Koloma was allowed to run ads for the “freedom to breathe agency”, complete with images of these bullshit exemption cards.
And what would one of these lists be without some anti-vaccine propaganda?
Not our usual beat around here, but we see plenty of misinformation around climate change in Facebook ads. And of course a hatred for the evils of socialism.
The best of the rest. Just general misinformation about health. And of course FREQUENCIES.
Everyone from Dane Wigington to Gaia to RFK Jr’s anti-vaccine propaganda outlet are allowed to run ads, but this came up for us when we tried to promote our Halloween music event. Moral of the story here is that it’s better to peddle misinformation than to point it out. Them’s the rules.
I am still collecting screen shots and you can expect more of these articles periodically, hopefully monthly. As the election nears, I fear that the number ads containing misinformation on the Facebook platform will increase dramatically, especially ads that misinform about the current global pandemic. If you see these kinds of ads and want to help me with this project, please feel free to email them to echo@echoplexmedia.com or drop them in our Discord. If you’d like credit, just mention that you want your name or the name of your organization to be noted in the article and we’ll put it right under the picture so everyone knows you’re the lucky person who had your feed polluted.